Larsen Commander 2 will have a completely new and feature rich internal viewer. Among them are support for syntax highlighting for a number of languages, such as Java, C#, SQL, Ini-files, Xml, C, C++, Pascal, Perl, Ruby and many more. In addition it will have support for switching to a binary mode that supports virtually unlimited file sizes. Here are two screen shots:
It is about 15 years since the first official version of Larsen Commander was released to the public. In the beginning it was for the unknown operating system with the strange name "OS/2" only. Later there was a version for Windows as well. Both versions can still be downloaded from Here is a screen shot of one of the earlier versions of the program:
Still, from time to time, I receive friendly mails from users that find that old tool useful, and some of them ask for new features to be added or old bugs to be removed. For a number of years, a lot of years actually, I have answered that I am working on a completely new version that will be released eventually. In the meantime the rare people that are still using OS/2 was offered a completely free and open source version of Larsen Commander that can be downloaded from
Now, the good news is that the new version of Larsen Commander is taking shape and comes closer to showtime. It is completely rewritten but stays lojal to the classic double panel and keyboard friendly design that makes this kind of tool so useful and dependence-producing for those that actually dare to use anything else than Windows Explorer. I am still not sure as to when the new version will actually leave my development machine. Until then, here you have a screenshot as how it looks today, taken right from my desktop here where I am sitting writing this blog post just now:
Stay tuned!
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